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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.069
This document introduces new readers both to the preferred
etiquette for misc.kids and to a service we have devised
in this group: a compilation of files of Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ).
*** Etiquette Guidelines ***
Most of the guidelines here are the same as in
news.announce.newusers. However, they bear repeating from time to
o While there is a newsgroup (alt.kids-talk) for non-adults to
participate in, comments from children and teens are very welcome
in this newsgroup.
o Please respond via e-mail whenever possible; if the
original poster was soliciting advice/information, s/he should
post a summary to the net. This helps cut down on net traffic.
o Please read all follow-ups before posting one of your own;
in many cases, someone else has already covered the same point.
o Please limit the amount of material included from previous
postings as much as possible, and try to be concise. Remember
that most of the audience for misc.kids are busy parents.
However, please make sure you include enough of the original post
so as to make your follow-up sensible. (For example, follow-ups
such as "I totally agree!" with no material included from the
previous article make no sense at all, due to the nature of news
o Please watch your attributions carefully; avoid misquotes and
o Please avoid (whenever possible) cross-postings to other
newsgroups--especially to soc.men and soc.women!
o Please post only once for each subject, and try to limit the
number of postings to an average of one per day.
o Please refrain from name-calling, tantrums or other hysterics--
we get enough of that from our children :-).
*** Index to FAQ Files ***
If you are interested in any of the following topics, please
e-mail the contact person directly, who will then
send you a copy of the file. Please be specific when requesting
files, as some folks maintain more than one FAQ file. If you would like
to add something to the files listed, please also do so via e-mail,
and indicate that you would like your comments added to the
FAQ file.
If you ask for an FAQ file and don't get it within a week, it
may have bounced. When you ask again, please be sure to include your
e-mail address in the body of your request, in case 'reply' doesn't
work. ("Rec." = "Recommendations")
ADD (Attention Deficit Toni Bachman
Disorder) tbachman@seq.hamline.edu
Au Pair/Nanny Info Ed Soniat
Auto Safety Andy Lowry
Babyproofing Ideas Sandra Smith
Extended Bedrest for Pregnancy Sian Meikle
Complications sian@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca
Blood Types / Gordon Berkley
Rh Incompatibility gordonb@mcil.comm.mot.com
Bottle/Cup - Solid Foods Tips Linda King
Breast Pumps Rec. Beth Weiss
Car Seat Rec. Susanne Gilliam
Children's Books Rec. Kathie Riggle
Circumcision Janet Sakell
Cloth Diapers Rec. Sangita Kejriwal
Crib to Bed Transition Diane Lin
Divorce--Pros & Cons-- Mary Hart
Effects on Children mh5r+@andrew.cmu.edu
Ear Infections/Tubes Misty (Marian) Nodine
Effective Parenting - Scott Humphreys
Experiences & Courses scott@megadata.mega.oz.au
Fear of Baths Bonnie Dorr
Gestational Diabetes Kathy Nicklas-Varraso
Humidifiers Jhinuk Chowdhury
(SUBJECT: Room humidifier FAQ request)
Infertility Jeanetha Wemken
Inguinal Hernia/Infant Kenneth Staffan
Surgery/General Anesthesia staffan@serum.kodak.com
Jogging Strollers Cindy Mitchell
Juvenile Diabetes Gordon Berkeley
Kids Jokes Diane Lin
Mail Order Catalogs Kathie Riggle
Miscarriage Tracy Larrabee
Misc.kids "Membership" List Susan Davis
A list of readers of misc. Subject: "Send misc.kids List"
kids sorted by children's or
birthdate Subject: "Add us to the list"
This is only for FUN--you Parents' full names
do not have to be on the Children's full names/birthdate
list to read or be involved or due date
in this newsgroup! E-mail Address
City, State (optional)
Other info (optional)
Misc. kids reader demographics Jonathan Rice
rice@zizania.cray.com or
(Subject "send 1991" gets fastest reply)
New Baby-Stuff to Have Pam Araki
Outdoor Activities for Young Karla Perdue
Children (8 and under) kperdue@hpsmtc1.cup.hp.com
Parenting Books Rec. Judy Leedom Tyrer
Picnic/Camping Fun & Games Harry Bahlman
Preterm Birth Sangita Kejriwal
Raising Street Smart Kids Jim Reynolds
Sibling Spacing Danielle Cohen
Sleep Problems Debbie Harden
Toilet Training Joanne Petersen
Toys and Games for Kids Jonathan Rice
rice@zizania.cray.com or
(Subject "send toys" gets fastest reply)
Traveling with Kids Diane Lin
Walkers Sean Myers
Diane C. Lin "Live now; make *now* always the
dlin@weber.ucsd.edu most precious time. Now will
(Dylan's mom, 2 years) never come again." (ST:TNG)
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu rec.models.railroad:2701 news.answers:4571
Newsgroups: rec.models.railroad,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!uunet!brunix!brunix!rjm
From: rjm@cs.brown.edu (Ralph Johnson Marshall)
Subject: rec.models.railroad Fortnightly FAQ
Message-ID: <rec-models-rail_724313704@tahiti.cs.brown.edu>
Followup-To: rec.models.railroad
Sender: rjm@cs.brown.edu
Supersedes: <rec-models-rail_723142262@tahiti.cs.brown.edu>
Organization: Brown University Department of Computer Science
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1992 06:15:11 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Mon, 11 Jan 1993 06:15:04 GMT
Lines: 1276
Archive-name: model-railroad-faq
This is the rec.models.railroad list of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ). It is maintained by Ralph Marshall (rjm@cs.brown.edu) All
contributions and corrections are welcome, but I'm ultimately
responsible for what appears here. Contributors are acknowledged at
the end of the file.
New sections since last posting:
More verified listings of historical societies
Q. What does prototype mean?
It has several meanings, but typically refers to real-world trains
(in contrast to scale models of them). Also called 12"-to-the-foot.
Q. What is the difference between scale and gauge?
Scale is the ratio between the model and the prototype; for example, N
scale is 1/160th of the size of the real world. Gauge is the distance
between the two rails. Standard gauge in the United States is 4'8.5",
with 3' and 2' as fairly common narrow gauges.
Q. What sizes (actually scales) do models come in?
The standard scales, listed in approximate order of popularity, are:
HO 1/87 (actually 3.5mm to the foot, or 1/87.1)
N 1/160 (1/152, 2mm per foot in the UK)
O 1/48 (but see below)
G 1/22.5 or 1/24, or whatever the manufacturer decides
S 1/64
OO 1/76.2 (4 mm to the foot, mostly used in the UK)
Z 1/220
No. 1 1/32
People build models in other (typically larger) scales, but they tend
to be mostly scratchbuilt. 1/8th scale (1.5" to the foot) is a common
size for outdoor models large enough to carry people.
Several other people have assembled exhaustive listings of every gauge
ever known to have been used, but I've omitted them due to space
In O scale, track has been traditionally laid to scale 5'0" gauge
instead of standard. O scale modelers divide into three groups
according to how they handle the discrepancy between gauge and scale:
a. most O scalers live with the discrepancy.
b. some model at 1/45 scale, keeping the traditional O gauge.
c. some model at 1/48 (known as Proto:48) and narrow the traditional guage
to standard, but these models will not interoperate with the other
two groups.
Q. What is HOn3 scale?
This is HO scale equipment (1/87th) running on narrow gauge rails
spaced 3 feet apart. Narrow gauge in other scales is represented in a
similar fashion. There are similar notations for models whose gauge is
based on non-English measurements, such as HOm (HO scale, one-meter
gauge) and HOe (HO scale, 0.75 meter guage).
Q. What do scratchbuilt and kitbashed mean?
These terms have somewhat vague boundaries, but basically indicate
that a model was not built directly as suggested from a kit.
Scratchbuilt usually means starting with wood, cardboard, plastic, or
other basic materials and then designing and cutting all of the
necessary pieces. Kitbashing refers to starting with one or more
commercial kits but assembling the pieces in a different fashion,
often adding other material or recutting the original pieces. Both of
these methods allow you to build models for which no kits are
Q. What is a traction layout?
The term as used in model railroading refers to streetcars, trolleys,
and electric-powered interurban lines.
Q. What is hydrocal?
This a plaster product commonly used for creating terrain. The
easiest sources seem to be model railroad stores, since I've yet to
find a building supply store that has any idea what I want. The
advantage of hydrocal is that it is very strong once it sets up, as
opposed to plaster which needs something underneath it to support it
even after it dries. Hydrocal needs support while setting but
cardboard strips do just fine. Regular plaster requires chicken wire
and wood supports for shaping -- it's a lot more work, and a lot more
Q. What is the NMRA?
This is the National Model Railroaders Association. They set
standards, host conventions, and generally promote the hobby.
Memberships are available, with discounted rates for students.
NMRA, Inc.
Headquarters Office
4121 Cromwell Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Q. What is NTRAK?
This is a national organization devoted to modular railroading in N
scale. They publish a set of standards for modules which can be
connected to each other. Clubs can use this standard to allow members
to build modules at home and then connect all of them into a large
layout during meetings. There are similar organizations in the other
scales but none of them seem to have the same widespread acceptance.
Jim FitzGerald, editor
2424 Alturas Rd.
Atascadero, CA 93422
The following is a list of magazines which carry articles of interest
to model railroaders. Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman
seem to be available in most of the hobby stores I've been to; the
others depend partly on where you live and partly on how good the
store is.
Railroad Model Craftsman (monthly)
Subscription Dept. 2610
Box 700
Newton, NJ 07860
Phone (201) 383-3355
1 yr. $25, 2 yrs. $47, 3 yrs. $67, Canada add $6/year, foreign $8/year
Model Railroader (monthly)
Kalmbach Publishing
21027 Crossroads Circle
PO Box 1612
Waukesha, WI 53187
Phone (800) 533-6644 (subscriptions, open 24 hrs)
(414) 796-8776 (editorial)
1 Yr. $28.95, $34.95 Canada, $39.95 Foreign. Payable in US funds.
(Canada add 7% GST to total)
Trains (monthly)
Same ordering address and phone number as Model Railroader
1 Yr. $28.95, 2 Yrs. $55 3 Yrs. $78 Extra postage: Canada $17.75
Mexico $18.50 Europe and South America $36.15 Central America $26.20
All other foreign coutries $46.20.
Loco Revue
Editions Loco Revue SARL
BP 104
F-56401 Auray CEDEX
320.- FF/year international
This magazine is in French. It covers mainly French railways (SNCF). It has
a very good modeling section (how-to, detailing, electronics, ...).
Eisenbahn Amateur
Buhler Druck AG
CH-8027 Zurich
89.- CHF/year international (add 40.- CHF for air mail)
This magazine is mostly in German, with some articles in French. It covers
mainly Swiss railways (SBB/CFF and private-owned ones). It has only a small
modeling section.
Canadian Railway Modeller
N. Kildonan RPO Box 28103, 1453 Henderson Highway
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2G 4E9
(204) 668-0168 Voice/Fax
$23.54 for 1 year (6 issues) Inside Canada, $28.00 Outside Canada
Focusses on Canadian prototypes and Canadian modellers.
The following magazine listings are from the same source as the bulk
of the historical societies, with the same guarantee. The number in
parentheses is the number of annual issues. Corrigenda (and
reviews/summaries from readers) are always appreciated.
Bus World (4)
POB 17018, N. Hollywood, Ca., 91615
CN Lines
2488 Paige Janette Dr., Harvey, La., 70058
Diesel Era (6)
Withers Publ., 528 Dunkle School Road, Halifax, Pa., 17032
Electric Lines (6)
NJ International, 77 W. Nicholai St., Hicksville, NY, 11801
Extra 2200 South (4)
Flimsies (26)
Western Lines Prod., POB 6776-W, Orange, Ca., 92613
Garden Railways (6)
POB 61461, Denver, Co., 80206, 303-733-4779
The Shop Machinist (6)
Dept z-20, Box 1810, Traverse City, Mi., 49685, 800-447-7367
Journal of Container Transport (2)
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017
Journal of Passenger Transport (2)
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017
Journal of Railway Tank Cars (2)
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017
Key, Lock & Lantern (4)
Sandy Van Hoorebecke, 73 Pitch St., Bloomfield, NJ., 07003
Live Steam
Dept z-19, POB 629, Traverse City, Mi., 49685, 800-447-7367
Locomotive & Railway Preservation (12)
Dept. 50, POB 246, Richmond, Vt., 05477
Locomotive Quarterly (4)
Metaphor, Dept 1089T, POB 383, Mt. Vernon, NY, 10552
Maine 2-foot Modeler Newsletter (6)
6017 W. South Range Road, Salem, Ohio, 44460
Mainline Modeler (12)
Hundman Publ., 5115 Monticello Dr., Edmonds, Wa., 98026, 206-743-2607
Model Railroading (12)
Rocky Mountain Publ., 2854 Larimer St., Denver, Co., 80205
Motive Power Review (4)
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017
Motor Carrier & Truck Transport Journal (2)
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017
Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette (6)
Benchmark Publ., 399 Main St., los Altos, Ca., 94022
New Electric Railway Journal (4)
717 Second St. NE, Washington, DC, 20002, 202-546-3004
Northwest Railfan (12)
13118-163rd Av. SE, Snohomish, Wa., 98290
N Scale (6)
Hundman Publ., 5115 Monticello Dr., Edmonds, Wa., 98026, 206-743-2607
NTrak Newsletter
2424 Aturas Road, Atascadero, Ca., 93422
O Gauge Railroading (6)
POB 239F, Nazareth, Pa., 18064
Pacific Rail News (12)
Interurban Press, POB 6128, Glendale, Ca., 91225, 818-240-9130
Passenger Train Journal (12)
Interurban Press, POB 6128, Glendale, Ca., 91225, 818-240-9130
Private Varnish (12)
Interurban Press, POB 6128, Glendale, Ca., 91225, 818-240-9130
Prototype Modeler (12)
POB 7032, Fairfax Station, Va., 22039-7032
Rail Classics (12)
POB 16149, N. Hollywood, Ca., 91304, 818-760-8983
Railfan & Railroad (12)
Carstens Publ., POB 700, Newton, NJ., 07860, 201-383-3355
The Railfan Photographer (2)
POB 2558, Littleton, Co., 80161-2558
Rail Model Journal (12)
Golden Bell Press, 2403 Champa St., Denver, Co., 80205, 303-296-1600
Railpace (12)
POB 927, Piscataway, NJ., 08854
Rails (26)
Texas-Wolverine Co., POB 50612/MS101P, Denton, Tx., 76206
Rail Services Update (52)
2110 Sheridan Dr., Madison, Wi., 53704
Rail Travel News (21)
POB 9007, Berkeley, Ca., 94709
The Scale Coupler (12)
Green Lantern Press, POB 7032, Fairfax Station, Va., 22039-7032
Scale Model Traction & Trolleys Quarterly (4)
c/o Vanishing Traction Prod., POB 04016, Milwaukee, Wi., 53204
"S"cale Railroading (5)
1446 Fremont Av., Los Altos, Ca., 94024
S Gaugian
Heimburger House Publ., 7236 W. Madison St., Forest Park, Il., 60130
Short & Narrow Rails (12)
POB 6579, Conton, Ohio, 44706
The Short Line (6)
POB 607-R, Pleasant Garden, NC., 27313
Sn3 Modeler (2)
7236 W. Madison St., Forest Park, Il., 60130
Timberbeast (4)
POB 3695, Eugene, Or., 97403
Traction (6)
POB 526, Canton, Ohio, 44701
Historical Societies
A number of private (mostly volunteer) groups exist to help exchange
historical information about railroading. Most, but not all, of these
clubs deal with defunct railroads, although many include information
about successor lines. Note that many of these organizations are run
on a shoestring and thus may have moved or ceased operation since I
last wrote to them. Also, if you write to ask for specific
information it is considered good form to either join the club or at
least send a small donation - the person answering your letter isn't
getting paid to do so.
Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society
PO Box 389
Upper Darby, PA 19082
They publish "The Keystone" quarterly, an excellent glossy magazine.
Magazine subscription only: $20/year, $25/year for Sustaining
Membership, $50/year for Contributing Membership. $10/year extra
postage to foreign countries. Back issues available.
The following listings have been sent to me recently are thus are more
likely to still be valid by the time you read this.
Anthracite Railroads Historical Society
POB 119, Bridgeport, Pa., 19405
Our (almost) quarterly magazine is called FLAGS, DIAMONDS, AND
STATUES. This group focuses on railroads serving the anthracite coal
mining region of northeast Pennsylvania, with emphasis on:
Central of New Jersey
Delaware, Lackawanna, & Western
Lehigh & Hudson River
Lehigh & New England
Lehigh Valley
B&O Historical Society
P.O. Box 13578
Baltimore, MD 21203
Delaware & Hudson
Bridge Line HS, Box 7242
Capital Station, Albany, NY 12224
It's a fairly new society (2nd or 3rd year). Has a nice monthly "Bulletin."
$15.00 Regular
12.50 Employee (of D&H Soo or CP Rail)
20.00 Family
17.50 Employee Family
50.00 Corporate
Monon RR Historical-Technical Society
c/o Ed Lewnard
410 S. Emerson St.
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056
Dues $15/20 year, back issues about $2.50 each.
The following information was sent to me as shown, and has not been
checked for accuracy. It did include an out-of-date listing for the
PRRT&HS, so expect some of these to be wrong. Please send any
corrections (including defunct groups) so that I can improve the value
of the list.
RR Name (or region)
Society/museum name,address,phone
General interest
California State RR Museum, 115 I St., Sacramento, Ca., 95814, 916-324-4724
Early American Railroading Group, POB 101-Z, Allegan, Mi., 49010
Early Piggyback SIG, c/o Mark Vaughn, POB 24223, Chicago, Il., 60690
Locomotives in Parks SIG, c/o Dick Nedrow, POB 501, Manchester, Wa., 98353
Mid-Continent Railway His. Soc., North Freedom, Wi., 53951, 608-522-4261
National Railway His. Soc., POB 58183, Philadelphia, Pa., 19102
National Trust for Historic Preservation,
1785 Massachusetts Av. NW,
Washington, DC., 20036
RR Club of Chicago, c/o Richard C Young, POB 4920, Chicago, Il., 60680
RR Prototype Modelers, POB 7916, Laverne, Ca., 91750
RR Station HS, 430 Ivy Av., Crete, Ne., 68333
Railway & Locomotive HS,
c/o H Arnold Wilder, Treas.
46 Lowell Road, Westford, Ma., 01886
Society of Freight Car Historians
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017-2480
Teen Association of Model Railroaders,
c/o Loan Eagle Payne, 1028 Whaley Road,
RD #4, New Carlisle, Ohio, 45344
Railroad Historical Societies
POB 1019, Saint Johns, Az., 85936-1019
Ann Arbor (also Michigan Northern and Tuscola & Saginaw Bay)
POB 51, Chesaning, Mi., 48616
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
Santa Fe Ry HS, POB 92887, Long Beach, Ca., 90809-2887
Santa Fe Modelers' Org., 1704 Valley Ridge Road, Norman, Ok., 73072
Atlantic Coast Line / Seaboard Air Line
Southeastern RR HS
c/o Joseph L. Oates
4007 Paddlewheel Dr., Brandon, Fl,. 33511
Boston & Maine
c/o Membership Secy.,
POB 2362, Harwood Staion, Littleton, Ma., 01460
Burlington Northern
c/o DG Casdorph, POB 2480, Monrovia, Ca., 91017-2480
Canadian National
(in Canada) Alf Goodall, 112 Mapleton Dr., Winnipeg, R2P 1C9, MB, Canada
(in USA) RD #1, Box 295, Alum Bank, Pa., 15521-9658
Central Vermont Ry
5806 Edith Court, Virginia Beach, Va., 23464
Chesapeake & Ohio
POB 79, Clifton Forge, Va., 24422
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (also Colorado & Southern)
Burlington Route HS, POB 456, LaGrange, Il., 60525
Chicago & Eastern Illinois
POB 606, Crestwood, Il., 60445-0606
Chicago & Illinois Midland
c/o Shane Mason, POB 3882, Springfield, Il., 62708-3882
Chicago & Northwestern
c/o Lou Hamilton, 1519 S. Mohawk Dr., Roselle, Il., 60172
Chicago North Shore Line
Shore Line Interurban HS, POB 346, Chicago, Il., 60690
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Rock Island Tech. Soc.,
c/o David J Engle, 8746 N. Troost,
Kansas City, Mo. 64155
Colorado RR Museum, POB 10, Golden, Co., 80402
Colorado Midland
1731 N. Cooper, Colorado Springs, Co., 80907
Conrail Tech. Soc., POB 568, Maspeth, NY., 11378
Conrail HS, POB 1019, St. Johns, Az., 85936
Cotton Belt (St. Louis Southwestern)
POB 2044, Pine Bluff, Ar., 71613
Duluth, Missabe & Iron Range
Missabe HS, 719 Northland Av., Stillwater, Mn., 55082
East Broad Top
Friends of the EBT, POB 551, Riverside, NJ., 08075
East Tennessee & Western North Carolina
c/o John R. Waite, 604 N 11th, DeSoto, Mo., 63020
Erie Lackawanna
c/o Tim Stuy, 56-J Village Green, Budd Lake, NJ., 07828
Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville
c/o Walt Danylak, 115 Upland Road, Syracuse, NY., 13207-1119
Great Northern (originally the Fraternal Order of Empire Builders)
1781 Griffith, Berkeley, Mi., 48072
Gulf, Mobile & Ohio
POB 24, Chicago, Il., 60499
HJ Heinz
c/o Bill Dippert, 2650 NW Robinia Lane, Portland, Or., 97229-4037
Illinois Central
Membership Dept., c/o Jim Kubajak, 14818 Clifton Park, Midlothian, Il., 60445
Illinois Terminal
POB 251, Washington, Il., 61571
Illinois Traction
19 Sunset Acres, Farmersville, Il., 62533
Kansas City Southern
POB 5332, Shreveport, La., 71135-5332
Louisville & Nashville
POB 17122, Louisville, Ky., 40217
RR HS of Maine, POB 6647, Portland, Me., 04104
Maryland & Pennsylvania
Ma & Pa RR Preservation & HS, c/o George W Fitch Jr., 3609 Schoolhouse Lane,
Harrisburg, Pa., 17109
Milwaukee Road
Milw Road Railfan's Assoc.,
c/o Wendell Murphy, 7504 W Ruby Ave., Milwaukee, Wi., 53218-5458
Milwest (Milwaukee Road Lines West),
c/o Ron Hamilton, 2506 SW Fissure Loop,
Redmond, Or., 97756-9486
Missouri & North Arkansas
M&A RR Museum, POB 44, Beaver, Ar., 72613
Katy RR HS, c/o Roy V Jackson II, 732 Via Miramonte, Mesquite, Tx., 75150
Missouri Pacific (also Texas Pacific)
MP HS, POB 187, Addis, La., 70710
New Haven (New York, New Haven & Hartford)
POB 122, Wallingford, Ct., 06492
New York Central
POB 745, Mentor, Ohio, 44061-0745
Nickel Plate Road
POB 44222, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45244
Norfold & Western
638 Jefferson St., Ashland, Ohio, 44805
Northern Pacific
c/o Duane D Durr, #10-32nd Av NE, Fargo, ND., 58102
Northwestern Pacific
POB 721, Larkspur, Ca., 94939
Ontario & Western
Box 713, Middletown, NY., 10940
Pacific Electric (also Los Angeles Railway)
Orange Empire Railway Museum, POB 548,
Perris, Ca., 92370-0548, 714-657-2605
Piedmont & Northern
c/o Craig A Myers, POB 5481, Greenville, SC., 29606
Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern
RD #1, Box 361, Alfred Station, NY., 14803
Reading (Philadelphia & Reading)
c/o Robert L Danner, POB 15143, Reading, Pa., 19612
Rio Grande Southern
POB 3358, La Mesa, Ca., 92044
POB 6262, Rutland, Vt., 05701
Frisco Modeler's Interest Group,
c/o Charles Dischinger, 2541 W Allen Dr.,
Springfield, Mo., 65810
Frisco RR Museum, POB 276, Ash Grove, Mo., 65604, 417-672-3110
c/o BF Roberts, POB 4094, Martinez, Ga., 30907
Southern Ry His Assoc., POB 33, Spencer, NC., 28159
Southern Pacific
SP H&TS, POB 2180, Huntington Beach, Ca., 92647
Soo Line H&TS, c/o Michael Harrington, Treas., 3410 Kasten Ct., Middleton, Wi.,
Spokane, Portland & Seattle
6824-19th W. #134, Tacoma, Wa., 98466
POB 272, Netcong, NJ., 07857
Terminal RR Assoc (of St. Louis)
TRRA H&TS, POB 1688, St Louis, Mo., 63188-1688
(Three Rivers area [Allegheny, Monongahela & Ohio Rivers])
Three Rivers Narrow Gauge HS, 8 Cleveland Ct., Rockville, Md., 28050
Toledo, Peoria & Western
615 Bullock St., Eureka, Il., 61530
Union Pacific
POB 5653, Arvada, Co., 80005-0653
c/o Vance C Lischer Jr., Secy., 535 Dielman Road, St Louis, Mo., 63132
Western Maryland
WM RR HS, Inc., Union Bridge, Md., 21791
Western Pacific
Feather River Rail Society, POB 8, Portola, Ca., 96122
Train sets
Q. What should I buy as a gift for somebody who is new to the hobby?
(This answer is tailored to HO, since that's what I know about)
The cheap packaged sets make by Bachman and Life-Like are not a good
way to get started in the hobby. The equipment is cheaply made and as
a consequence will tend to stall and derail frequenctly, and is also
likely to break early. While you'll spend slightly more by buying
individual items, you can assemble a starter set from better equipment
and still spend under $100. The following list is a suggestion of
specific items which will make a nice set for somebody new to the
hobby, either adult or 8+ year old child.